Labour law

In the evolving legal system, dealing with “Employment” means dealing with the law of compliance concerning labour relations, with an international perspective (i.e. harmonisation, comparative awareness and training empathy), which includes – in addition to all the traditional aspects related to labour relations, administration, agency work, tenders, social insurance and pensions policies, – all the interrelated aspects in the area of data protection law (concerning authorization procedures for workplace monitoring, defining IT domicile, management policies, the application of security measures, DLP and the related checks with penetration tests, red teaming, etc.), corporate social responsibility (Legislative Decree no. 231/01 and related organisational models, whistleblowing procedures, procedures for the prevention of offences, in particular cybercrime and anti-terrorism, etc.), the related exercise of control powers (investigations, surveillance, digital and forensic investigation), health and safety in the workplace and related business organisation (delegation of powers, liability for damages and related litigation), the protection of corporate information and know-how (trade secrets, defence investigations, security procedures, etc.), the law and welfare policies (social welfare and insurance, social security frameworks, related litigation, company schemes, etc.), industrial relations and information law (in the context of specific and general information procedures: management of company reorganization, technological transition, crisis, collective transfers, partial and non-business transfers, etc.).

Stanchi Studio Legale offers litigation assistance and legal advice to companies and management in all industries in this new employment law scenario, in the following areas:

Specific Expertise

The firm boasts specific know-how and capitalizes on over fifty years of experience in dealing with employment related matters in the fields of publishing and journalism (print media and broadcasting) with a particular emphasis on specific social insurance issues.

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